王欢 副教授
  1. 作者:环境学院
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1)国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目人工回灌过程中含水介质微生物-悬浮物复合堵塞的形成机制, 42207064, 起止时间2023.01- 2025.12, 30万元。(主持)

2)吉林大学地下水与环境教育部重点实验室开放课题,海水入侵区地下水人工回灌过程中含水介质生物堵塞形成机制研究,202207008KF,起止时间 2022.07-2024.063.5万元。(主持)

3)广西自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,地表水补给地下水对潜流带生物堵塞的影响效应研究,起止时间2022.04-2025.032022GXNSFBA035577 8万元。(主持



6)国家自然科学基金—面上项目基于CANAD的循环海水养殖脱氮体系构建及机理研究项目批准号519786362020.01- 2023.12 参与

7)国家自然科学基金——山东省联合基金重点项目, 滨海含水层海水入侵形成与治理机制研究项目批准号U1806210;起止时间 2019.01-2022.12 参与





1) Huan Wang, Junjie Zhang, Yudao Chen*, Yuan Xia*, Peng Jian, Haozhi Liang. Clogging risk of microplastics particles in porous media during artificial recharge: a laboratory experiment. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024, 11:1346275.

2) Huan Wang, Jia Xin*, Xilai Zheng*, Yunhai Fang, Mingmin Zhao, Tianyuan Zheng. Effect of biofilms on the clogging mechanisms of suspended particles in porous media during artificial recharge. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 619:129342.

3) Huan Wang, Yudao Chen *, Lewei He, Yaping Jiang, Yuan Xia, Pengfei Yang. Feasibility of nitrate reduction combined with persulfate oxidation in the remediation of groundwater contaminated by gasoline. Hydrogeology Journal, 2022, 30: 151-161.

4) Huan Wang, Yudao Chen *, Wei Meng, Yaping Jiang, Yaping Cheng. Preferential removal of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) by persulfate in ethanol-containing aquifer materials. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 30.

5) Huan Wang, Jia Xin *, Xilai Zheng *, Min Li, Yunhai Fang, Tianyuan Zheng. Clogging evolution in porous media under the coexistence of suspended particles and bacteria: Insights into the mechanisms and implications for groundwater recharge. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 582: 124554.

6) Tianyuan Zheng, Xilai Zheng *, Huan Wang *, Jia Xin, Bo Zhang, Marc Walther. Innovative techniques for measuring the oil content of oil-contaminated porous media. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, 2019, 39(3): 78-83. (共同通讯)

7) Junyuan Ji *, Huan Wang, Ping Zheng, Yajuan Xing, Xilai Zheng. Early-warning on the performance of high-rate anaerobic bioreactor. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 156:103-107.

8) Shixuan Liu, Yujie Hao, Huan Wang, Xilai Zheng*, Xiaoping Yu, Xianyu Meng, Yingying Qiu, Shiji Li, Tianyuan Zheng*,. Bidirectional potential effects of DON transformation in vadose zones on groundwater nitrate contamination: Different contributions to nitrification and denitrification. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 448:130976.

9) Yunhai Fang; Tianyuan Zheng; Huan Wang; Rui Guan; Xilai Zheng; Marc Walther ; Experimental and numerical evidence on the influence of tidal activity on the effectiveness of subsurface dams. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603: 127149

10) Yunhai Fang, Jiazhong Qian, Tianyuan Zheng, Huan Wang, Xilai Zheng, Marc Walther. Submarine groundwater discharge in response to the construction ofsubsurface physical barriers in coastal aquifers. Journal of Hydrology,2023,617:129010.

11) Yunhai Fang, Xilai Zheng *, Hui Peng *, Huan Wang, Jia Xin. A new method of the relative membership degree calculation in variable fuzzy sets for water quality assessment. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 98: 515-522.

12) Yunhai Fang, Tianyuan Zheng *, Xilai Zheng *, Huiyu Yang, Huan Wang, Marc Walther. Influence of tide-induced unstable flow on seawater intrusion and submarine groundwater discharge. Water Resources Research, 2021, 57(4): e2020WR029038.

13) Yunhai Fang, Tianyuan Zheng *, Xilai Zheng *, Hui Peng, Huan Wang, Jia Xin, Bo Zhang. Assessment of the hydrodynamics role for groundwater quality using an integration of GIS, water quality index and multivariate statistical techniques. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 273: 111185.

14) 梁昊志,王 欢*,张俊杰,刘勇毅,方运海. 人工回灌过程中富里酸和 Cu(Ⅱ) 对多孔介质悬浮物堵塞的影响, 水文地质工程地质2023, 50 (5): 212-221.





